Fighting is hard but it doesn’t look like in the movies. You don’t always win and leave with glory and fame. Actually, it’s quite the opposite: most of the time you lose. Not only you lose, you get destroyed. It is not nice.
Being a fighter is sometimes pretty nasty and it can be brutal but it’s not just about violence. We fight ourselves, our demons and insecurities. We go against the grain.
Every day we choose to leave the comfort and we go on the mats to fight again. We give our best and we leave our fears and egos on the gym floor in puddles of sweat. This feels good.

On one such a day on a beach in Mallorca Choke&Chill was born. We wanted more people to feel what we feel. In the beginning, almost no one believed in our idea. We kept running into naysayers and even haters. We did what we do in the training: faced our fears and kept going on.
We knew that we can not do this alone. That’s why we travelled around the world to find the best people for our team. Not everyone is what they say they are, but after some time only the true and real people survived.
We put in extra time, sweat and even shed some tears. With the help of friends, family and fans We now have a strong team of people who love what they do.
Fight by fight, day by day We’re making our community stronger. Even some of the haters turned into fans.
Now it's up to you. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna stay where you are or are you gonna choke and chill?